Thursday, November 1, 2012

your Mask...after Halloween thoughts...

As I sat last night watching the hundreds of kids walk up to my mothers front door, I was amazed at all the disguises that were adorned by these kiddos.  I saw a Nerd Mummy that was absolutely hilarious.  I was fortunate enough to witness several acts of valor by spiderman, superman, and the green power ranger.  I saw some of the cutest little girls ever dressed up as Minnie Mouse, Princesses, and even a Colt's Cheerleader.  I cracked up when the Turtle Man and his Hillbilly buddy came to the party.  Several times during the night we were given our own private belly dance routine by a very beautiful little belly dancer.  I found it interesting how you could tell which kids had just went and bought a costume with their parents and by some of the makeup jobs and flamboyant hair, mom and dad were living vicariously through their child...

It was astonishing how these young kids could adapt themselves into these characters they were portraying.  Whether it was the way they walked or the way they talked or didn't talk.  Maybe their character had a special talent or movement.  I had no idea our children could so easily adopt traits from characters they had chosen to be.  

So as my crazy mind started working, I started watching all of the adults as they came up with their children.  I started watching how we reacted to one another.  Without fail, we put on masks every time we thought we needed too.  If someone who was a friend from church came to visit, we grabbed our church mask.  Someone from our children's school, we put on the school mask.  If it was from work, we put on the work mask.  I started catching myself reaching in my won bag of masks when certain people came to say hello.  I was blown away at how we would treat some people and then how we may not even speak to others.  

I guess as adults, we just have halloween everyday.....

I know some behaviors are learned and some are just in us.  My poor kids don't have a chance.  I see some of the things they do and I see me right there.  Good and bad.  Just the other day I noticed my oldest son was picking on his 3 younger siblings more than usual.  He was on his scooter acting like he was going to run over them as they sat at the end of the concrete playing with rocks.  He would get right to them and then turn real quick.  They of course would act scared and he would then laugh.  I told him to stop scaring them.  (I saw his daddy's mask....)

We then went inside to get ready for dinner and my oldest son still continued to just be completely out of character.  There was a spray bottle in the floor, which I am sure the babies were playing with, and he just walked over and kicked it.  I looked at him and asked, Why would you kick that, knowing it may break?  He looked at me and said I don't know?  (I saw his daddy's mask...)

I told him I didn't understand why he was acting the way he was.  It was out of character for him to just be mean to his siblings on purpose and then to just break something to break it.  I told him his actions were not justified and were hurting others.  He removed the mask and my son looked at me and said, your right...sorry dad...

In Hebrews 4, the word of God is speaking of the Sabbath as a day of rest and the people are not doing this.  The word tells us in Hebrews 4 how powerful the bible is and it is sharper than a two edged sword.  Then in verse 13 says:

"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight.  Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."

I think we feel we need to put on a mask to cover up the fact that we might not be what people think we are.  We may be scared, we may be insecure, and we may be living a lie.  It doesn't matter, Hebrews 4:13 tells us nothing is hidden from God's sight.  

I can fool man and man can fool me, but God is never fooled...No matter what we do or say, he knows our hearts....

I am on a journey and so are you.  I want to take my masks off and be who God has created me to be.  It is a process....

I heard a guy speak this week and he made a great point...We are in process...the process of being who we are supposed to be in God's eyes...Once we die and see him face to face...we are product....


Think about your masks and if you can take them off and be who God has created you to be....

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