Monday, November 5, 2012

Casting your VOTE!!!!

It is amazing how many people are posting on Facebook about the upcoming election.  Its been reported that over 70 million dollars have been spent on campaign ads on TV alone. There is no telling how much they have spent on flying to the "swing" states and how much has been spent on reserving concert halls and banquet events.  All the campaign slogans and debates have been for one reason.  To get us "americans" to cast our vote.  

We have heard all the "good" each candidate wants to do.  We have heard all the "bad" each candidate has done as well as what their "plan" will do for one party and not the other.  We have heard about Donald Trump offering $5 million dollars to the charity of choice if President Obama will produce certain records.  We have heard Mark Cuban offer Donald Trump $1 million dollars to shave his head.  We have seen more open and blatant attacks of character on Facebook, Twitter, and all other social media platforms.  The funny thing is, we have more than likely never talked to the men we are attacking.  

I understand we haven't had to opportunity to talk to them and understand them personally.  It may change the way we feel about them as a candidate.  I am no way going to try and sway anyone to vote a particular way.  That is for you and you only to decide. 

I just wonder what would happen if we all put as much effort into getting to know Jesus the way we have studied about who we are going to vote for.  I wonder if we spent $70 million on world hunger, how many people would be fed.  I know, as a Christian, we cast our vote daily as to whom we will serve.

Luke 9:23

"if any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily, and follow me."

You see, every day we cast our vote for our Lord.  The verse says "daily"...  

Tomorrow, we will vote for a man to serve our country in a 4 year capacity.  It seems like a huge task and so many people are depending on this man to turn things fix the lead our country.....

How about us as "Christians", choose to take up our cross by casting our vote to follow God's command.  How about instead of being hypocrites, we vote to show God's love in our actions at our homes, our job's, and in the community.  

Let's cast our vote for the God who forgives us of our sins.  He died for us on a cross.  He is in heaven preparing a place for us to spend eternity with Him.

We cast our vote every day in our actions for God.  We cast our vote by praying for our wife and kids.  We cast our vote by lifting people up instead of knocking them down.  We cast our vote by taking care of the poor and weary.  We cast our vote by calling and just telling someone they were on our mind.  We cast our vote by choosing Christ and showing Him to a lost and dying world.  We cast our vote by doing what God has called us to do.

You see, tomorrow, the people will speak with their vote.  A winner will be given the title of "President" and he will be in office 4 years.  He will sign bills and pass laws that will affect my life here on this earth.

I will also cast my vote tomorrow to serve God.  He will hold my hand and see me through the dark days.  He will sign my name in the Lambs Book of Life.  He will guide me through the storms and trials.  He will give me direction to do His will.  He will teach me to love and desire "His" love more.  He will teach me to discern between my will and His.  He will be in the heavenly oval office til He decides to come get his people.  No term limits up there...

You see, a study was done that said 73% of Americans consider themselves Christians, but only 9% of them said their religious beliefs was the most important thing to them. 

If "Christians" really casted their vote on a day to day basis for God, we could cure world hunger.  We could put God back in our schools.  We could say a prayer out loud at a ballgame.  We could make the world understand why we are followers of Christ and show them love of the Father through our lives...

I will go vote tomorrow for the President of the United States of America and who ever gets the most votes wins.  

I will also take up my cross and vote for my Savior to lead me and I know in the end, He wins....


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