I have been working in my current position for 7 years now. I am an Account Manager in our Training Department. This means me and my partner in crime, Matthew, are in charge of training needs for several accounts. We may need to build a program from scratch. We may come into your organization and build a strategic plan with you. We may come and be the Master of Ceremonies at one of your events. If you need it and we can make it or build it, we will hook you up. All that being said, we are on the road to meetings with our accounts on a weekly basis. We spend several hours just talking with people and brainstorming ideas. Building relationships are very important in our area of business. If our clients don't trust or like us, we don't have any work to do. Since we are younger and still working on the management of time, weekly agenda's and letting our supervisor know where we are is not usually a thought as we prepare for the upcoming week.
On the other hand, our supervisor is very insistent on getting those agendas each and every week. On a typical week, if the document is not to him by Tuesday, he will send a reminder to get it in. I will be very honest with you, it is not that I don't like to do the agenda, I just don't think about it. It is not important to me. I know what I need to do and when it will get done. My boss thinks otherwise. He feels like we need to know ahead of time when and where we will be for a week in advance. This is a crazy concept to me. I just don't think in those terms. I mean, come on, do I not do a good job? Does he not trust me?
It is important to him to know where his employees are at all times. It gives him peace of mind when he can tell someone, if asked, where we are based on an agenda he requested. I don't like it, I don't care about it, and I don't think about it most of the time. It makes me mad to do it.....
Now for the point of this....
This morning as I had my quiet time, I have started reading Multiply by Francis Chan and David Platt. It is a book over discipleship. It is a guide on how to disciple others and become a better disciple yourself.
One of the first questions it asks is, "do you believe Jesus is who he says he is?" Well duh....really....of course I do....
Romans 10:9 states, "if we declare with our mouths, "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the grave, you will be saved."
So, "Jesus is Lord", what does that mean? The word "Lord" refers to a title. It means, Master, Owner, All of Authority....
Now ask yourself again, "do you believe Jesus is who He says He is?"
Changes our thoughts when we start thinking in those terms. We were bought for a price. The price was His death and resurrection. We are not our own any longer if we profess Christ as our Savior.
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
That changes things. I want to do what I want. I want to go where I want. I don't have to give anyone an agenda, I can do what I want. If Jesus owns me and I belong to Him, I don't get a say in the matter. My agenda doesn't matter anymore. My plan isn't mine anymore.
I am following His agenda for my life and what I should do. I must become a slave to Christ. Following Jesus is not about a set of rules or defining morale conclusions to live good lives. It is about loving God and enjoying HIm as our Master.
John 14:45 "if you love me, you will keep my commandments."
God's love changes us from the inside out. God has His own agenda for my life and I will either follow it or I won't. One thing is for sure, if I do not proclaim Him as my Lord, I will still be following my own agenda for life.
It's funny how God uses things in our life to teach us about Him. I guess I will get that agenda done now for my boss. I will continue to follow God's agenda for my life though. It will lead me to Him every day.....
Can you say Jesus is your LORD? (without reservation)
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