Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Good Morning.....

I know many of us stayed up late watching the election results.  If you were like me, you tried to find the channel that was as unbiased as possible to figure out who would win.  So many people on mainstream media help guide out thoughts.  No wonder we worry about everything from the election to how am I going to pay for daycare.  It kind of hit me this morning when I went into my little girls room as she cried for her daddy.  I picked her up as usual and she latched on my neck and hugged me and smiled.  She was just happy to be in her daddy's arms.  She thinks I am a safe place.  She knows I will take care of her.  She is standing beside me watching me type this right now holding her blankie.  

Last night, Emma, didn't worry about the election.  She didn't worry about her money.  She worried about if she had her bedtime snack and juice.  She worried about having her boppy in her mouth.  She worried about making sure she had her blankie with her to go to sleep.  She knew her mom and dad would lay her in bed and continue to take care of her the next morning. 

And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."          
Matthew 18

I read in my quiet time before my run about having childlike faith.  I read about how I need to trust God like a baby trusts his or her parents.  

Then during my run this morning, I felt cold as I got out of my truck in the darkness.  I was even cold as I started to run as the cold damp air hit my nostrils and face.  My breath was short and quick.  My knees were aching from the bitter cold.  I remember thinking this is crazy.  Why am I out here running?

Then I felt it.  The sun broke through the clouds and the cold went away.  The cold damp air became less hard to breath.  I told my running partner how amazing it was that we warmed up so fast when the sun shines on us and we are running.   The warmth gave me the strength to continue running.  It helped me feel like I could continue to the finish.  

When I picked up Emma this morning I realized what God was saying to me all day since 5:45 am.

  1. Don't worry about it, I am still in control.
  2. Latch onto me the way Emma does to her father.
  3. As long as I run in the light, I will be fine.
  4. Just like Emma believes her father will care for her, SO DO I......

I hope each of you have a good day and its only bad if you allow it.....your choice....

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