Monday, November 19, 2012

The Nursing Home....

As I grew up, I never thought that much about the nursing home.  I mean, Mr. Hudson would take us there in high school to sing around Christmas and I would occasionally go to see my great grandparents, but for the most part, I didn't understand what or why they were in place.  All I knew was the smell was weird and some of the people acted like they didn't know who they were or seem to care.

Now, I see them very differently.  I have been in them more than normal lately.  My grandmother and my aunt are both in an assisted living centers in town right now.  Their eyes seem to light up when I walk in the door of their rooms.  It's like they are just sitting there waiting on someone to show up.  I have been thinking about them a lot with the holidays around the corner.  Things aren't like they were just a few years ago.  We no longer go to Ma Ma's house for Thanksgiving dinner.  My aunt isn't able to get around and come to lunch.  She can't even walk anymore.  

Walking down the halls of the center is just so real of what happens to us as we age.  I recognize some of the faces that once were leaders in this town.  I recognize the wives and husbands of family who can no longer take care of them.  You know you try not to look in on people in their rooms, but it is almost impossible to do so.  You look in and wonder who they are and what they did before they entered into the nursing home.  

I feel bad and I have to admit I don't go as often as I should to visit.  It is almost like once you know your family member is taken care of and you trust the level of the care, you can take a break and let them settle in.  Then it becomes easier and easier to forget to stop by and easier to have other things to do.  

As I left my aunts room just the other day, I got in my truck and drove away and these thoughts went through my head.  A few days later, I left my grandmother sitting with her groceries we had bought and her new radio.  These thoughts went through my head again.  On the way home, I honestly felt bad for not putting more effort into taking care of my aunt and grandmother, even if it was only a few minutes a few times a week.  

This morning as I sat in Sunday school, these thoughts came back to me.  We were discussing how each of us spend time with God.  We talked about the actual way we talked to God on a daily basis.  Did we journal or did we pray or did we just study and meditate?  There are several ways you can talk to God, you just have to figure out how you will do it.  

Then God began to speak to me.  

I remembered the nursing home.  That is the way I treat God sometimes.  I have put him in a safe place in my heart.  I have made sure he has the best care possible.  When I want to visit with Him, I know where He is.  I know which room He is in.  I can go and get Him and take Him to church.  I can go get Him and take Him to the store or work with me.  

How many of us are at the same point?  

It takes preparation to spend time with God.  It takes effort to spend time with God.  It takes desire to spend time with God.  It takes nerve to spend time with God.  It takes a willingness to spend time with God.

Being a Christian is not about a set of rules we have to follow, it is about spending time getting to know God and sharing Him with others.

1 John 1:5

"This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.  If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.  But if we walk in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.  If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

I know all of us are guilty of putting God in a special place and visiting Him when we need Him.  

If you want to know where your heart is, look at your pocket book and your appointment book.

Are you guilty of putting God in the nursing home and go see him when you need too?

We need to spend time with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

How do you spend time with Him????????

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Where's your agenda?

I have been working in my current position for 7 years now.  I am an Account Manager in our Training Department.  This means me and my partner in crime, Matthew, are in charge of training needs for several accounts.  We may need to build a program from scratch.  We may come into your organization and build a strategic plan with you.  We may come and be the Master of Ceremonies at one of your events.  If you need it and we can make it or build it, we will hook you up.  All that being said, we are on the road to meetings with our accounts on a weekly basis.  We spend several hours just talking with people and brainstorming ideas.  Building relationships are very important in our area of business.  If our clients don't trust or like us, we don't have any work to do.  Since we are younger and still working on the management of time, weekly agenda's and letting our supervisor know where we are is not usually a thought as we prepare for the upcoming week.  

On the other hand, our supervisor is very insistent on getting those agendas each and every week.  On a typical week, if the document is not to him by Tuesday, he will send a reminder to get it in.  I will be very honest with you, it is not that I don't like to do the agenda, I just don't think about it.  It is not important to me.  I know what I need to do and when it will get done.  My boss thinks otherwise.  He feels like we need to know ahead of time when and where we will be for a week in advance.  This is a crazy concept to me.  I just don't think in those terms.  I mean, come on, do I not do a good job?  Does he not trust me?  

It is important to him to know where his employees are at all times.  It gives him peace of mind when he can tell someone, if asked, where we are based on an agenda he requested.  I don't like it, I don't care about it, and I don't think about it most of the time.  It makes me mad to do it.....

Now for the point of this....

This morning as I had my quiet time, I have started reading Multiply by Francis Chan and David Platt.  It is a book over discipleship.  It is a guide on how to disciple others and become a better disciple yourself.  

One of the first questions it asks is, "do you believe Jesus is who he says he is?"  Well duh....really....of course I do....

Romans 10:9 states, "if we declare with our mouths, "Jesus is Lord", and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the grave, you will be saved."

So, "Jesus is Lord", what does that mean?  The word "Lord" refers to a title.  It means, Master, Owner, All of Authority....

Now ask yourself again, "do you believe Jesus is who He says He is?"

Changes our thoughts when we start thinking in those terms.  We were bought for a price.  The price was His death and resurrection.  We are not our own any longer if we profess Christ as our Savior.
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

That changes things.  I want to do what I want.  I want to go where I want.  I don't have to give anyone an agenda, I can do what I want.  If Jesus owns me and I belong to Him, I don't get a say in the matter.  My agenda doesn't matter anymore.  My plan isn't mine anymore.  

I am following His agenda for my life and what I should do.  I must become a slave to Christ.  Following Jesus is not about a set of rules or defining morale conclusions to live good lives.  It is about loving God and enjoying HIm as our Master.

John 14:45 "if you love me, you will keep my commandments."

God's love changes us from the inside out.  God has His own agenda for my life and I will either follow it or I won't.  One thing is for sure, if I do not proclaim Him as my Lord, I will still be following my own agenda for life.  

It's funny how God uses things in our life to teach us about Him.  I guess I will get that agenda done now for my boss.  I will continue to follow God's agenda for my life though.  It will lead me to Him every day.....


Can you say Jesus is your LORD?  (without reservation)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Freedoms forgotten....

On this cold and still morning, I got up early and headed out to the deer woods.  Before I left, just like I do every morning, I was checking Facebook to see the newest posts from my friends.  All over Facebook it was posted about all the veterans and the freedoms they fought tirelessly for.  I thought of my wife's grandfather who fought in the army.  One of the only men in his battalion to make it home alive.  I thought of the tears in his eyes when he talks about doing what needed to be done.  I remembered my step-grandfather Herschel.  He fought in the army as well.  I remember him talking about Korea and the stories he told me as a child.  I wondered how it must of felt to get the draft notice in the mail.  I wondered what it was like to leave their family and go to foreign soil, more than likely to kill someone they didn't even know.  I thought about the sacrifice they gave to their country without reservation.  I thought about the sacrifice their families had to make.  I thought about all the friends they made in the service that came home in a wooden box or were never brought home at all.  

Then it hit me.

We take for granted the simple freedoms we have on a daily basis.  We get to wake up in our own homes.  We get in our vehicles and drive wherever we want to in this country.  We take our kids to the school we want them to go to.  We show up to our jobs that we chose for ourselves.  We can pass by a number of churches with different names on the sign and we can walk into all of them and worship.  We can walk into any super market and pick out the items we want to purchase.  

Tonight, at dinner, we asked our children what freedom was.  They gave the typical answers they have been taught at school.  I asked them to explain their answers and they couldn't.  I began to tell them about their family members who had served and the battles they had been a part of.  I told them about Grandpa Walter being the only one in his group to be alive.  I was able to explain to them how freedom was something we take for granted.  I told them about countries that little girls still don't get to go to school.  I told them about places where you can't read the bible without fear of your life.  They just looked at me like I was crazy.  They don't understand how much their freedoms cost.  They don't think about the life they have as being a freedom.  They don't understand the costs of the men and women who served this country have paid for their freedom.

We have gotten very comfortable in our lives as we know them.  We have forgotten our basic freedoms that were fought for so many years ago. 

Thank you to all the men and women who have fought for me and my family to live in the greatest country on the planet.  Thank you for sacrificing and staying the course for us to be free.  Thank you for teaching us what a unified nation can do.  Thank you for serving that we may be free.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

"man, it's windy..."

It was a morning just like several others during deer season.  I woke up early to see if I could stick a deer with my compound bow.  My lovely wife, who acts as my alarm clock, woke me up at 5:15 am.  I rolled around in bed for a few minutes and decided to give it a chance even though the forecast looked glim.  I put on some shorts and shirt and headed out.  When I went outside, I thought to myself, "man it's windy."

As I drove to the property to hunt, I began to play out the process of how I was going to make sure I had every opportunity to slay one of the many big bucks I have been seeing on my trail cam.  Sitting in my truck driving north, I didn't notice how hard the south wind was blowing.  Driving to my parking spot, it seemed like any other morning, until I open my truck door to get my camo on.  When I began to open my door, the wind ripped it out of my hand and I thought to myself, "man, it's windy."

Standing beside my truck getting my scentlok camo on, I began to realize my chances of success were going to be hindered by the wind.  It was only blowing like 25 mph.   I walked my normal trail to my stand.  I could hear the wind ripping through the trees.  I could feel the wind on my face.  I climbed into my stand and began to get settled in.  Then I felt it, the tree began to sway in the wind.  This is a big tree too.  I stayed the course, going to tough it out and get the big one.

I sat there in the dark, holding my bow and then I started thinking, "man, it's windy."  It wasn't the normal breeze.  It was loud and hard, I couldn't hear anything but the wind.  I could see the grass in the field doubled over leaning to the north.  The leaves all around me sounded like thousands of papers being wadded up.  Birds were not chirping or I couldn't hear them.  As the sun came out, the clouds were rolling through the sky as if it were a river of light and smoke.

I realized my plan of success would have to be put on hold. I hate to admit, I was a little upset.  Since I was there, I figured I might as well just deal with it and see what might happen.  Doing what I always do as the sun comes up, God and I started talking.  He listens and I talk most of the time.  I seemed to be stuck on the wind today.  Couldn't get it off my mind.  I asked Him why he needed the wind.  I asked Him to stop it and let me kill a deer.  I asked Him what role the wind played in day to day activity other than bringing in a storm or change in the weather. 

Then I remembered a story in Mark chapter 4.

Jesus is asleep in the stern of the boat.  The wind was howling and the disciples were scared.  Real scared.  A major storm was happening.  Then Jesus steps out on the deck and tells the wind to stop and be still.  His disciples looked at each other and asked just exactly who He was.  Who is this guy that the wind and rain listen?

Understanding another lesson from God, I realized He doesn't need the wind.  He controls the wind.  He is in charge of it all.  He calms the storms in real life and in our spiritual lives.  He is the end and the beginning.  He doesn't need me.  I need him.  When we put things in the right order and understand God doesn't need us, the wind doesn't matter anymore.  God doesn't serve us, we serve him.  God doesn't need our worship, He deserves it.  

I didn't see a deer, but I focused on God and he gave me what I needed to hear.  I think many times in life we focus on the wind and storms.  I don't know how the winds of life are affecting you, but just remember, God is in control.  He can tell the wind to stop.  He knows every hair on your head and He knows your thoughts.  I climbed down out of my stand, walked to the truck, took off my camo, and thought to myself, "man, it's windy."

What do you need to focus on?  
What is God needing to talk to you about?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Good Morning.....

I know many of us stayed up late watching the election results.  If you were like me, you tried to find the channel that was as unbiased as possible to figure out who would win.  So many people on mainstream media help guide out thoughts.  No wonder we worry about everything from the election to how am I going to pay for daycare.  It kind of hit me this morning when I went into my little girls room as she cried for her daddy.  I picked her up as usual and she latched on my neck and hugged me and smiled.  She was just happy to be in her daddy's arms.  She thinks I am a safe place.  She knows I will take care of her.  She is standing beside me watching me type this right now holding her blankie.  

Last night, Emma, didn't worry about the election.  She didn't worry about her money.  She worried about if she had her bedtime snack and juice.  She worried about having her boppy in her mouth.  She worried about making sure she had her blankie with her to go to sleep.  She knew her mom and dad would lay her in bed and continue to take care of her the next morning. 

And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."          
Matthew 18

I read in my quiet time before my run about having childlike faith.  I read about how I need to trust God like a baby trusts his or her parents.  

Then during my run this morning, I felt cold as I got out of my truck in the darkness.  I was even cold as I started to run as the cold damp air hit my nostrils and face.  My breath was short and quick.  My knees were aching from the bitter cold.  I remember thinking this is crazy.  Why am I out here running?

Then I felt it.  The sun broke through the clouds and the cold went away.  The cold damp air became less hard to breath.  I told my running partner how amazing it was that we warmed up so fast when the sun shines on us and we are running.   The warmth gave me the strength to continue running.  It helped me feel like I could continue to the finish.  

When I picked up Emma this morning I realized what God was saying to me all day since 5:45 am.

  1. Don't worry about it, I am still in control.
  2. Latch onto me the way Emma does to her father.
  3. As long as I run in the light, I will be fine.
  4. Just like Emma believes her father will care for her, SO DO I......

I hope each of you have a good day and its only bad if you allow it.....your choice....

Monday, November 5, 2012

Casting your VOTE!!!!

It is amazing how many people are posting on Facebook about the upcoming election.  Its been reported that over 70 million dollars have been spent on campaign ads on TV alone. There is no telling how much they have spent on flying to the "swing" states and how much has been spent on reserving concert halls and banquet events.  All the campaign slogans and debates have been for one reason.  To get us "americans" to cast our vote.  

We have heard all the "good" each candidate wants to do.  We have heard all the "bad" each candidate has done as well as what their "plan" will do for one party and not the other.  We have heard about Donald Trump offering $5 million dollars to the charity of choice if President Obama will produce certain records.  We have heard Mark Cuban offer Donald Trump $1 million dollars to shave his head.  We have seen more open and blatant attacks of character on Facebook, Twitter, and all other social media platforms.  The funny thing is, we have more than likely never talked to the men we are attacking.  

I understand we haven't had to opportunity to talk to them and understand them personally.  It may change the way we feel about them as a candidate.  I am no way going to try and sway anyone to vote a particular way.  That is for you and you only to decide. 

I just wonder what would happen if we all put as much effort into getting to know Jesus the way we have studied about who we are going to vote for.  I wonder if we spent $70 million on world hunger, how many people would be fed.  I know, as a Christian, we cast our vote daily as to whom we will serve.

Luke 9:23

"if any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily, and follow me."

You see, every day we cast our vote for our Lord.  The verse says "daily"...  

Tomorrow, we will vote for a man to serve our country in a 4 year capacity.  It seems like a huge task and so many people are depending on this man to turn things fix the lead our country.....

How about us as "Christians", choose to take up our cross by casting our vote to follow God's command.  How about instead of being hypocrites, we vote to show God's love in our actions at our homes, our job's, and in the community.  

Let's cast our vote for the God who forgives us of our sins.  He died for us on a cross.  He is in heaven preparing a place for us to spend eternity with Him.

We cast our vote every day in our actions for God.  We cast our vote by praying for our wife and kids.  We cast our vote by lifting people up instead of knocking them down.  We cast our vote by taking care of the poor and weary.  We cast our vote by calling and just telling someone they were on our mind.  We cast our vote by choosing Christ and showing Him to a lost and dying world.  We cast our vote by doing what God has called us to do.

You see, tomorrow, the people will speak with their vote.  A winner will be given the title of "President" and he will be in office 4 years.  He will sign bills and pass laws that will affect my life here on this earth.

I will also cast my vote tomorrow to serve God.  He will hold my hand and see me through the dark days.  He will sign my name in the Lambs Book of Life.  He will guide me through the storms and trials.  He will give me direction to do His will.  He will teach me to love and desire "His" love more.  He will teach me to discern between my will and His.  He will be in the heavenly oval office til He decides to come get his people.  No term limits up there...

You see, a study was done that said 73% of Americans consider themselves Christians, but only 9% of them said their religious beliefs was the most important thing to them. 

If "Christians" really casted their vote on a day to day basis for God, we could cure world hunger.  We could put God back in our schools.  We could say a prayer out loud at a ballgame.  We could make the world understand why we are followers of Christ and show them love of the Father through our lives...

I will go vote tomorrow for the President of the United States of America and who ever gets the most votes wins.  

I will also take up my cross and vote for my Savior to lead me and I know in the end, He wins....


Saturday, November 3, 2012

1/2 Worship

I recently went to an all mens event at Trinity Baptist Church.  It was entitled "Awakenings".  It was amazing what God did that night.  The Reverend Jennings Tyson spoke.  He was an engaging and excitable minister.  He even brought his own amen corner because he knew our church may not get fired up as his does.  As he went to the pulpit, he started to sing, "Oh how I love Jesus."  As he sang, we realized we were going to get involved in his message.  Something I soon found was not comfortable for many of us.  When he started speaking, he would almost continually ask us to amen or fuel his fire.  As I watched the reaction of some of the men, it was very evident, they were uncomfortable.  Of course I loved it and was able to fell free to yell and holler and engage in the message on a personal level.  He spoke about taking responsibility for yourself, your family, and your community.  He taught us it was a "real man's" responsibility.

I left that night feeling uplifted but embarrassed.  I was uplifted from what God taught through Rev. Tyson, but ashamed at how I had been worshipping God.  I was brought up in church to think an outward expression of worship was only acceptable at times.  I remember they lady in the choir who would shout when she got excited and we would talk about how awesome the service was because someone shouted.  

Have you ever wanted to raise your hands or cry in happiness?  Have you ever been touched so much you wanted to just shout it out that God is awesome?

I have.....and didn't....

When I looked across the auditorium during the "Awakenings" service, I saw men who are very vocal in the community and considered leaders in our town.  As I drove away, I thought to myself how many of us get fired up at ballgames hollering at the top of our lungs to cheer on the players.  I thought to myself how many of us post play by play on facebook and twtter as our teams play the game.  If many people would be in our homes as our favorite teams are playing, they may think we were crazy at how we dress ourselves in team colors and wear all the good luck charms.  If you are like my father in law, you yell out things no one else can understand and if we are losing you know not to talk to him, but if we are winning you can get money from him or whatever you want.  We all are guilty of it.....

Then we go to church.  The house of God.  The winning team.  We sit in our assigned seats.  We stand at the appropriate time.  We sing at the right time.  We stand for invitation.  We pray when we are told to bow our heads.  A few raise their hands in worship.  The rest of us just go through the motions.  

What are we teaching our families?  You can get excited and hoot and holler at a ballgame or event, but when you go to church to worship the one true living God, you just sit and go through the motions.  I don't think we realize we are teaching our kids 1/2 worship.  I am not saying we should act in the same way at church we do at a game, but why not?

Worship is not a show.  It is an action.  The preparation for the time to worship.  Making sure you come to God as an open vessel.  Showing him how much you love Him.  Feeling His presence.  Worship may move us to raise our hands.  Worship may move us to cry.  Worship may move us to dance. 

In my first year as a youth pastor at Richmond Avenue Church, I was taught a very important lesson about worship.  We were about 3 days into camp and my kids were not getting the worship thing.  I was mad and upset.  It just seemed they were there for the fun and not for the right reasons.  I finally got so fed up, I loaded Parker in the car and just left without without telling anyone.  I don't really know what I was going to do, but as I drove through the Kiamichi mountains, I saw one tree that stood up so much taller than all the others. This tree was different than all the others. As I noticed the tree, Parker started crying and wanted his bottle.  As I pulled over to give him his bottle, I knocked my bible off of the console into to passengers seat.  The following verse was where it opened.

Hebrews 4:14-16

"therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firm to the faith we profess.  For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet he did not sin.  Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may received mercy and find grace in our time of need."

You see, that tree is us as Christ followers.  We are called to be different.  We should stand apart from the world.  I realized the problem was me.  I had not taught my youth group how to worship.  They had not seen an example.  I had to go to the throne of grace to receive mercy as a sat there in my car crying over my faults and worshipping God for showing me the way.  I went back and begin to teach my youth group about worship.  I taught them by my example.

Today as you watch your football games, play kickball, watch basketball, or practice whatever you do make a comparison to the feeling you have right then to the ones you have towards worshipping God.

As parents, it is our role to teach our children how to worship just like it is to throw a curve ball, balance a check book, and make good morale choices.

Worship is an action, will you do it....

Thursday, November 1, 2012

your Mask...after Halloween thoughts...

As I sat last night watching the hundreds of kids walk up to my mothers front door, I was amazed at all the disguises that were adorned by these kiddos.  I saw a Nerd Mummy that was absolutely hilarious.  I was fortunate enough to witness several acts of valor by spiderman, superman, and the green power ranger.  I saw some of the cutest little girls ever dressed up as Minnie Mouse, Princesses, and even a Colt's Cheerleader.  I cracked up when the Turtle Man and his Hillbilly buddy came to the party.  Several times during the night we were given our own private belly dance routine by a very beautiful little belly dancer.  I found it interesting how you could tell which kids had just went and bought a costume with their parents and by some of the makeup jobs and flamboyant hair, mom and dad were living vicariously through their child...

It was astonishing how these young kids could adapt themselves into these characters they were portraying.  Whether it was the way they walked or the way they talked or didn't talk.  Maybe their character had a special talent or movement.  I had no idea our children could so easily adopt traits from characters they had chosen to be.  

So as my crazy mind started working, I started watching all of the adults as they came up with their children.  I started watching how we reacted to one another.  Without fail, we put on masks every time we thought we needed too.  If someone who was a friend from church came to visit, we grabbed our church mask.  Someone from our children's school, we put on the school mask.  If it was from work, we put on the work mask.  I started catching myself reaching in my won bag of masks when certain people came to say hello.  I was blown away at how we would treat some people and then how we may not even speak to others.  

I guess as adults, we just have halloween everyday.....

I know some behaviors are learned and some are just in us.  My poor kids don't have a chance.  I see some of the things they do and I see me right there.  Good and bad.  Just the other day I noticed my oldest son was picking on his 3 younger siblings more than usual.  He was on his scooter acting like he was going to run over them as they sat at the end of the concrete playing with rocks.  He would get right to them and then turn real quick.  They of course would act scared and he would then laugh.  I told him to stop scaring them.  (I saw his daddy's mask....)

We then went inside to get ready for dinner and my oldest son still continued to just be completely out of character.  There was a spray bottle in the floor, which I am sure the babies were playing with, and he just walked over and kicked it.  I looked at him and asked, Why would you kick that, knowing it may break?  He looked at me and said I don't know?  (I saw his daddy's mask...)

I told him I didn't understand why he was acting the way he was.  It was out of character for him to just be mean to his siblings on purpose and then to just break something to break it.  I told him his actions were not justified and were hurting others.  He removed the mask and my son looked at me and said, your right...sorry dad...

In Hebrews 4, the word of God is speaking of the Sabbath as a day of rest and the people are not doing this.  The word tells us in Hebrews 4 how powerful the bible is and it is sharper than a two edged sword.  Then in verse 13 says:

"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight.  Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."

I think we feel we need to put on a mask to cover up the fact that we might not be what people think we are.  We may be scared, we may be insecure, and we may be living a lie.  It doesn't matter, Hebrews 4:13 tells us nothing is hidden from God's sight.  

I can fool man and man can fool me, but God is never fooled...No matter what we do or say, he knows our hearts....

I am on a journey and so are you.  I want to take my masks off and be who God has created me to be.  It is a process....

I heard a guy speak this week and he made a great point...We are in process...the process of being who we are supposed to be in God's eyes...Once we die and see him face to face...we are product....


Think about your masks and if you can take them off and be who God has created you to be....